Season 2024-2025

Splendours Of Venice

We transport you to the wonders of late Renaissance Venice with works by Monteverdi, Gabrieli and others. Includes authentic string and brass instruments from The Ottawa Baroque Consort.

JUNE 1, 2025 | 3 PM

$60 Premium seating
$40 Adults
$35 Seniors
$10 Students

You can buy tickets online (see below) or in person at the venue.
Doors open 30 minutes before the concert.

Please note that you will not receive actual paper tickets. When the sale is complete, you will receive a Proof of Purchase by e-mail. At concert time, just present it at the door.

Payment is handled by PayPal (you will be directed to a new pop-up window) and it uses HTTPS, thus your credit card data will be secure. You don’t have to create a PayPal account to proceed as a guest, please note that you will have to unselect the “Create PayPal account” toggle. Finally, to place your order, don’t forget to press the “Place order” button after the PayPal window has closed and you are back on the CSO checkout page.